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Another Letter, But From “The Here”; From J. Vené to M. Cabrera – Otra Carta, Pero Desde “El Más Acá”; De J. Vené Para M. Cabrera

Admired Miguel: NOT only is this the first time that a letter that isn’t from “The Beyond” has appeared, but I had never signed one from “The More Here”. Of course, it all happens because you are something special.

And it occurred to me to do it when a follower, Oswaldo DiGiorgi, told me what you got published, in response to my report on your career. You said the following:

“Juan ‘madness’, fill yourself with hate hahahahahahahaha. If you voted for him and not for Galarraga”.

Miguel Cabrera will become a candidate to the Hall of Fame for the 1st time in 2029. Bill Menzel/Latino Sports

And there’s a half photo, that appears to be of Fred McGriff.

Miguel: Please explain what you really mean, because I don’t understand a word of it. Was that written in Spanish?

As for McGriff, he was elected by the Contemporary Baseball Era Committee, of which I am not a member. In other words, I did not vote for him.

As for Andrés Galarraga, allow me to tell you that in his first year as a candidate for the Hall of Fame in 2010, only 22 of the 548 electors at the time, voted for Galarraga. As you can see, 525 electors agreed with me, that he did not or does not deserve a niche in The Hall of Fame.

And I also, don’t really think you were bothered by how I voted that year. But more for what I wrote about you:

“Miguel has been quite a distinguished hitter. But he is not outstanding on anything else in the field. Pretty slow running the bases and deficient defensively. So much so, that the team have put him in four positions, but the best way he functions, it is as designated hitter, something many voters don’t like, me included. Miguel has also been the subject of some notorious cases of domestic violence, something Major League Baseball considers extremely serious and negative.

Reality is, only five big leaguers have exhibited all the skills in a big way, such as good hitting, good power, wise and fast running between bases, good hands fielding the ball and a strong and educated arm. Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle, Roberto Clemente and Alex Rodríguez are the only ones.

A couple of details though: I have never written that Miguel Cabrera is a bad baseball player, nor that Miguel Cabrera will never reach the Hall of Fame.

But I did write: “Miguel Cabrera does not have a secured niche in Cooperstown, despite his 508 home runs, 3,128 hits, 1,861 RBIs and 50 steals in 61 attempts, during his 21-years big league career”.

And I added: “No stat guarantees that a player will be elected to the Hall of Fame. If the right numbers or stats were the only requirement to get into the Hall of Fame, there would be no need for the 400 plus voters that vote every year, across the United States. If only numbers guarantees a ticket to Cooperstown, Pete Rose, with his not just three thousand plus, but four thousand, 256 hits, would have been in Cooperstown a long time ago, but he has been execrated, just like Barry Bonds, who did not hit 500 home runs, but 762, he remains out and questioned.” .

And you, Miguel, will be a candidate to immortality for the first time in 2029. Only then, the electors will know, if we voted for you or not. The rest is just: blah blah blah.

And no matter what, I only wish you the best of the best…


(En Español)

Otra Carta Llega, Pero Desde El “Más Acá”

De Juan Vené Para Miguel Cabrera

Mi admirado Miguel: No solo es la primera vez que surge un carta desde el Más Acá, sino que yo nunca había firmado una. Por supuesto, todo se debe a que tú eres algo especial.

Y se me ocurrió hacerlo cuando el lector, Oswaldo DiGiorgi, me informó lo que publicaste por ahí, para responder a mi reportaje sobre tu carrera. Fue esto:

Juan ‘locura’ llénate de odio jajajajajajajaja. Si votaste por éste y no por Galarraga”.

Y se ve una foto a medias, la cual parece ser de Fred McGriff.

Miguel: Explícame eso, porque no lo entiendo. ¿Ha sido escrito en castellano?

En cuanto a McGriff, fue elegido por el Contemporary Baseball Era Committee, del cual no soy miembro. O sea no voté para su elevación.

Te informo que por Andrés Galarraga, en su primer año de candidato al Hall de la Fama en el 2010, votaron apenas 22 de los 548 electores de esa oportunidad. O sea, otros 525 opinaron como yo, que no merece el nicho.

No creo que te haya incomodado cómo voté aquel año. Pero sí lo que escribí:

“Miguel ha sido insigne bateador. Pero no es destacado en más nada. Muy lento corriendo las bases y deficiente a la defensiva, tanto, que lo han usado en cuatro posiciones, pero, como mejor funciona es de designado, lo que no gusta a muchos electores, incluso a mi. También ha caído Miguel en sonados casos de violencia doméstica, lo que es grave ante Major League Baseball”.

Es que solamente cinco bigleaguers han exhibido todas las habilidades en grande, como chocadores, bateadores de poder, rápidos entre base y base, buenas manos y brazo fuerte y educado, Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle, Roberto Clemente y Alex Rodríguez.

Dos detalles: No he escrito que Miguel Cabrera sea un mal pelotero, ni que Miguel Cabrera nunca llegará al Hall de la Fama.

Pero sí escribí: “Miguel Cabrera no tiene un nicho seguro en Cooperstown, no obstante sus 508 jonrones, tres mil 128 incogibles, mil 861 carreras impulsadas y cincuenta robos en 61 intentos, durante su carrera de 21 años de bigleaguer”.

Y agregué: “Ningún número garantiza a un pelotero su ascenso al Hall de la Fama. Si hubiera esa garantía, no haríamos falta los 400 y más electores en todo Estados Unidos. Si hubiera esa garantía, Pete Rose, con sus, no tres mil, sino cuatro mil 256 hits, hace rato estuviera en Cooperstown, pero ha sido execrado, igual que Barry Bonds, no con 500 jonrones, sino con 762, pero permanece cuestionado”.

Y tú, Miguel, serás candidato a la inmortalidad por primer vez en 2029. Solo entonces, los electores sabremos si votamos o no por ti. Lo demás es puro bla, bla, bla.

Y a pesar de todo, te deseo lo mejor de lo mejor…


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