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A Baseball Picture To Bring Us Back In Time

Bronx NY: O.K. so we are into the third week of May and still do not have any baseball. We hear a bit of news here and there, that we might begin to see some baseball in July, but that might be without any fans in attendance, or perhaps social distancing in the ball parks. Though this might not be too difficult for some teams like Baltimore that averages 16 thousand fans per game, but it will be quite difficult for the Dodgers and Yankees that average over 40 thousand fans per game. That might be a problem for these teams with a large fan base deciding who and how to select the fans to attend.

Whatever is finally decided and when and if baseball resumes we baseball fans will be looking forward to any baseball games sometime during the summer.

So while we wait for baseball here is something to keep us entertained. Could you tell us anything about the picture above? There are no wrong answers. We just want to see what your coronavirus lock down brain can come up with by looking at this classic baseball picture. Let your brain fly.


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