Bronx, NY: Who was the one that said that we would no longer see the outrageous 10-year over $275 million type of contract that Alex Rodríguez (Dominican Heritage, born in Washington Heights, NYC) had when with the Yankees? Whoever that was they need to get a new crystal ball as this years baseball contracts for the prime star players has shattered any previous record.
Manny Machado’s (Dominican Heritage, born in Hialeah, Florida) $300 million 10-year contract was a surprise to many. Not that Manny is not worth it, but the issue always remains banking on a 10-year future that is as volatile as the stock market is risky. The issue of the players health, his popularity sinking from possible personal mistakes, a fan base that could be affected by many factors like the local, or national economy could mean a serious drop of fans paying to see a game, etc.
Apparently, the San Diego Padres were willing to take the gamble with Machado. The Colorado Rockies stepped up and gave their star player, Nolan Arenado (Cuban-Puerto Rican Heritage born in Newport Beach, CA). However, the Rockies stayed away from the numbing 10 year deal and gave Nolan a $260 million 8-year contract.
However, after getting used to the fact that teams were willing to open up their bank accounts and spend freely, many were wondering what Bryce Harper would be offered? Well the Phillies took it to another level by giving Harper a 13-year $330 million deal. Harper is not the first to get such a long contract. Giancarlo Stanton (African American, Irish, Puerto Rican Heritage born in Los Angeles, CA) got a 13 year contract from the Marlins.
I know these numbers are a bit out of our daily salary scope so let me put it in a more simple mode for you to understand what this means:
Player Contract Value Average per year Average per game
Bryce Harper $330 million $25,334,615 $156,695.16
Giancarlo Stanton $325 million $25,000,00 $154,320.99
Manny Machado $300 million $30,000,00 $185,185.19
Nolan Arenado $260 million $32,500,000 $200,617.28
The fact that three of the top highest paid players have some Latino blood is something to be proud of and indicative of the growth of the sport in the Latino community. I keep on preaching to those who want to listen that the future of baseball in America is in the Latino community, say no more.