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Baseball Inching Closer To A Possible Opening Date

If baseball could resume in July it would be a good reason to set off fireworks. (Photo courtesy of Marilyn Gould |

Bronx, NY: The whole country is hurting from this Coronavirus shutdown and America’s pastime is no exception. The difference is that baseball has one of the longest seasons of any franchise sport. Therefore, this shutdown is hurting more than just the owners and players. It is also hurting the folks we rarely hear about. They are the behind the scene workers that make the games possible, everyone from those running and working the concessions, to the cooks, maintenance, security, tickets sales, field crew, etc. Having all these folks out of work for the season (six months) will create a major hardship for that sector of workers.

Economics is always the case for making decisions in this country, but as we have learned from this pandemic, the health of everyone is also important. We in Latino Sports would love to have baseball sooner than later. We have some beautiful awards to hand out to eight players who were the winners of our 30th annual LatinoMVP awards for the 2019 performance. However, we also understand that this pandemic has made things much more complicated than what we are use to. So we too, join our fans, the players, the owners and the workers in waiting to hear that familiar call: PLAY BALL, perhaps in July?

This linked NY Times article gives a good overview of the agreement made by the owners and sent to the Players Association for approval.

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