MIAMI, FL– Team Puerto Rico’s batting practice today at LoanDepot Park was a combination of baseball batting practice and a carnival of pure baseball fun. The number of reporters, TV correspondents, baseball personnel and rights holders were much more than the number of players. There was a lot of activity surrounding the players with reporters seeking interviews, not just with the players but also with Puerto Rican rapper and Ambassador to the games, Daddy Yankee, and David “Big Papi” Ortiz, who were also on the field.
It took a while, but I finally was able to talk Edwin.
Provided below is an interview transcript of our exclusive discussion with Edwin Díaz, a candidate for the 33rd Annual Latino MVP Awards.
LS: Edwin, you have been a past winner of the LatinoMVP award and now you have once again been selected to be on the 2022 ballot. How do you feel about this award and being on the ballot again?
ED: I believe that it is a great award for Latinos in baseball. I feel good and proud to be on the ballot and if I win it would be the second time and that would make me very proud. I can’t wait to go wherever to receive.
LS: What do you think of receiving the award during Hispanic Heritage month in your home stadium in front of your home fans?
ED: That would be great in Citi-Field that has a lot of Latino fans and to get it on that month (September Hispanic Heritage month) would be great for all of us.
LS: Your Brother has also been selected as a candidate. How do you feel about having your brother also appearing on the ballot as a rookie?
ED: I would be great if my brother would win that award because he pitched good. He came through the minors and winding up in the big leagues and had a great year.
LS: This is the first time in the thirty-three-year history that two (2) brothers appear on the same ballot.
ED: We compete a lot. We are brothers, but at the same time we are competitors.
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