When Juan Soto first appeared in Yankee Stadium in April for the teams home opener, he experienced first-hand the media circus that a city like New York can produce. We in Latino Sports were present and refrained from chasing the newly acquired slugger. The following day, I saw Juan for a quick moment in the passageway outside the clubhouse. I stopped and welcomed him to the Bronx. He recognized me from our on-field award ceremony in San Diego when we presented him with his 2021 LatinoMVP award.
I also congratulated Juan for once again being on the prestigious LatinoMVP ballot for the 2023 season, gave him the commemorative t-shirt that we gave to all the players who were on the ballot, took a picture and we left Juan to the rest of the media circus.

2021 National League LatinoMVP Juan Soto, a finalist for the 2023 NL LatinoMVP, was presented his special Latino Sports shirt during last month’s Blue Jays-Yankees series in the Bronx – Image Credit: Latino Sports
That first week of the season the Yankees held a press conference for the Latino press, who were all circling Soto for individual interviews. They advised the packed room of Latino reporters, majority Dominicans, not to pursue Soto for individual interviews. They informed them that they will have other future press conferences for the Latino press to have access to Soto. While that seemed a bit too overprotective of Soto, I would understand as Soto has quickly become the star Dominican player in New York and every Dominican outlet both here — in the mainland and in the Dominican Republic — all want to interview him. That plus the regular Anglo press would have been a bit overwhelming for a new player trying to acclimate to his new team.

Juan Soto’s debut in pinstripes on Friday afternoon, April 5th, at Yankee Stadium – Image Credit: Bill Menzel/Latino Sports
As our readers know, we in Latino Sports are non-traditional and always looking for creative ways to keep our readers informed beyond the obvious, beyond the box scores, or the typical questions that are asked one too many times of the players. Therefore, the following is our compilation of translated answers that Soto had given to several questions that we believe would give our readers a better understanding of Juan Soto outside the batter’s box, or the outfield.
We trust that you would enjoy knowing a bit more of the Yankees newest star player.
Regarding coming to a team with such a rich tradition of baseball history.
JS – It’s very nice to be part of history with a team that has so many years in the business and to be part of that and to have my name in the team’s history book for me is something very nice. I think it’s more than a privilege to be here and I expect nothing that is not in God’s will and that this season gives us everything we are looking for.

Image Credit: Latino Sports
Regarding his first day in Spring Training his relationship with the team captain, Aaron Judge and the earthquake felt in New York on his first day.
JS – The captain, I felt good. He welcomed me with open arms. I felt very happy with the way he treated me, not only him but the entire team Cole, Rizzo and all the guys. They all have given me a tremendous welcome and I felt very happy in that aspect. I have been well received and I have felt very close to them even though we only have a month together. As per the earthquake here in New York I didn’t feel it. But I believe that is a good sign. Thank God, nothing happened but we are still here.
Regarding his choice of coming to New York, his already extensive baseball experience and what he expects from the fans?
JS – As I said before, I feel very happy to be here and I have tried to enjoy every moment. Just as I had after leaving the Nationals team, I realized that you never know when your last game with a team would be. I try to enjoy the moment 100% just like I did with San Diego, I never knew that was my last game with the team, but I did enjoy it and I got the most out of being there. I thank God for allowing me the enjoyment each day after day because you never know when and until you will be here and if you will end up here or end up somewhere else. But, what I want to take with me is the memory and then I will remember that I was here.

In his first two months in pinstripes, Juan Soto has felt the love from fans in the Bronx, and has continued to send love back their way – Image Credit: Bill Menzel/Latino Sports
Regarding his accomplishments that could compare to others who have spent many more years in the big leagues. Also, what motivates him to go on the field every day. (He has a World Series under his belt, something that very few players have and would love to have another.)
JS – For me, what motivates me is the fans and seeing how they react and how they enjoy every moment that I have had here in the Major Leagues. I feel very grateful to the fans of each place that I have played because every place that I have been the fans have touched me. It has made me feel at home and more than happy that they give me the support and for me that is a motivation and I enjoy it. I give a lot of happiness to each one of them so that they can also enjoy with me.
Regarding his childhood, did he ever imagine playing for the Yankees?
JS – Since I was little my dream was always to play baseball, not professionally it was because I had a lot of love for the game. I always loved the game. I did not have a particular team, but I was a fan of players like Manny Ramírez, Robinson Canó and a countless number of players — Alex Rodríguez, Derek Jeter, David Ortíz and many other players. I was always a fan of players, I was never a fan of any team but of course, later I always wanted to be a professional baseball player. My mind was always focused on trying to achieve that goal and try to enjoy it 100% with whoever I’m in contact with.
Regarding the great expectations surrounding his name and what many people expect from him. What are his expectations on a personal level that he would like to achieve?
JS– For me, the expectations I would like to achieve are like, as I said before, it would be to achieve a championship. For me to achieve the greatest championship a player can have, there have been hundreds and hundreds of players who have gone through the League and have not been able to win a championship. Thank God I was able to win one, but I always come with the same hunger and desire after wanting to win another because really when you have that little taste of winning a championship the first time you always have that same hunger to want to continue winning.

Dominican Republic flag appearances in the Bronx have increased by a wide margin this season – Image Credit: Bill Menzel/Latino Sports
Regarding his thoughts on playing in New York that has the largest Dominican community outside of the Dominican Republic? Does that make him feel he is a leader for that entire Dominican community?
JS – I believe that being such a role model for the Dominican community is a source of pride for me and thank God that means that I have done things well from day one. I feel happy with the support that the Dominican community has given me not only here in New York but also when I was with the Nationals and when I was in San Diego. It was a nice experience with all the Dominicans when we played in the World Classic. Also, for me it is more than pride to be a role model for them and to be able give back and much more.
Regarding a message to the rising youth.
JP – I believe that my father and my mother have done a tremendous job. Thank God, they have been there day after day with me and have made me the man who I am today. I am very grateful to them and for maintaining a humble attitude, always knowing where I come from and where I am. I think that love has helped me mature a little more and know how to do things when I’m around and when I’m not around people. I think that’s the most important thing for me.
Regarding your preparation. You want to hit home runs, get hits, you want to steal bases. What is your preparation like?
JS – I would say that what I work on the most right now is my defense. That is one of the things that I have focused a lot more this offseason on improving my defense and having better results on defense. Thank God I have been able to have a good start with my defense. I have made good plays and I have moved very well. I believe that the work I did was bearing fruit and results. That is what I mainly focus on right now. I focus more on trying to help myself defensibly because as they say at the end of the day, “offense wins games, but defense wins championships.” For me it’s an important part for me.

Juan Soto has made his presence felt on both sides of the diamond – Image Credit: Bill Menzel/Latino Sports
Regarding his preparation on the mental side. How he prepares his mind to have that winning attitude?
JS – For me, every time I arrived in the ballpark I always try to come with a smile and always be positive, that is the main thing for me. That is good vibes for the team and trying to help myself as much as I can. Physical preparation is a big part, its important, but I think that the mind is something also important and what you need to focus on because without your mind your body doesn’t work the same. I think that for me having a good vibe having a good environment inside talking to people, the guys, the main thing is to be able to prepare for the game and when we go to the games it is always good. Mostly listening to music and chatting, and dancing. Everything you can do to attract positive things to the field of play, I think that is what we do so that we can be as prepared as possible.
Regarding his experience on each of the opening days with the Nationals, the San Diego Padres and now the New York Yankees which was the best?
JS – I believe that the three of them have a place in my heart. I feel very happy with the fans, as they have all been supportive. Your first day in the Major Leagues will always be unmatched. It will always be unforgettable. if you ask every player that has played in the Major Leagues, I think they will tell you their first day in the Major Leagues, they will never forget it. For me, I will never forget my first day in the Major Leagues, my first day in San Diego and my first day in New York. I think all three have been a tremendous moment for me. I also know there are moments that are unmatched, and I believe that of the three, all have been number one. They will always be number one in my mind and in my career of the best moments. I don’t think I have any as a favorite but each of them will always be favorite moments of my career.
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