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Latino Sports Announces It Will Be Having A Bus Day Trip To Cooperstown, NY for the 2019 HOF Induction Ceremonies.

As the new year comes to an end and much of the baseball off season deals and trades are completed we baseball fans look forward to the next big baseball event and that is the names of those players selected for the Baseball Hall of Fame class of 2019.

One retired players name is a definite shoe in. That player is New York Yankee reliever, Mariano Rivera. This will be Mariano’s first year of eligibility and there is little doubt on anyone’s mind that Mariano will not get in on this, his first year. This means that Latino Sports will once again be heading out to the Baseball Hall of Fame on Sunday July 21st, 2019 as we do every time that a Latino is inducted.

Being a South Bronx based organization we know of the difficulty of many Latino baseball fans who would love to go to an induction ceremony to see a Latino inducted, but the distance, lack of transportation and their finances makes it too difficult to attend. Thus, we in Latino Sports started organizing trips when Orlando Cepeda was finally inducted and many Puerto Rican fans wanted to attend but could not due to lack of resources. That was back in 1999 and since then we have made it possible for South Bronx residents to attend by organizing a fun full day trip that is organized and affordable

Thus we can say that we are going to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2019. However, this year we might have more than one Latino inducted. This could finally be the year that Edgar Martínez the “hitting machine” from the Seattle Mariners gets inducted.

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