My dear boys of the 2023 All-Star Game:
I am writing to you today, on the eve of the event in Seattle, because I have been the big leaguer with the most appearances in these classics, for which I was always thankful to those who selected me.
Yes, in 25 occasions I was among the stars, from 1955 to 1975 and in four of those years I appeared in two games each, because there was a time when the stars met twice.
Two All-Star Games per year were held between 1959 and 1962. The second game was added to raise funds for player pensions and charities.
I felt very proud to be part of such important event.
But, in 1945 there was no All-Star Game, which was to be held in Boston. Since the country was at war, fuel and metals had to be used for the war efforts. There were also strict restrictions on all travel around the world.
Nowadays fans and players enjoy each All-Star Game, not for a day, but for a week, because the events begin at the venue that much earlier. The surroundings of the stadium become a tremendous baseball fair with all kinds of entertainment.
In 1985 the Home Run Festival or Derby was inaugurated, which I think entertains you, the baseball players, more than the spectators. And since 1999 The Futures Game has been held, which I think is the most important activity, after the All-Star Game, because it features a selection of baseball players from the minors, made up of pure Americans, against a roster of youngsters from all over the world.
How many of you have been part of that affair?
That little game has always been very interesting, because, in addition to finding out who will soon be in the Major Leagues, one gets to enjoy the best of the minors. And baseball always has a greater future than a great past.
Speaking of the future, my dear boys, I have found out that, because as you already know, in this place “Up Here”, which you all call ‘The Beyond”, one gets to find out everything, the next All-Star Game will be on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 , in Arlington, Texas; home of the Rangers.
And to honor the past a bit, let’s remember that the American League has won more times, 47, than the National League, 43. There have also been two games that were finished with the same score. It’s not that much of an advantage, is it?
I wish you all the best of the best now and always, and that tomorrow everything will be a great show in the house of the Seattle Mariners.
May the one who plays the best wins, but may everyone have fun and to the fullest! Always remember that baseball is a game for children, that sometimes, we adults, also get to play.
Hugs, dear boys of the 2023 All-Star Game…
(En Español)
Mis queridos muchachos del Jue
LES escribo hoy, en la víspera
Sí, en 25 oportunidades estuve
Dos Juegos de Estrellas por añ
Me sentía muy orgulloso por se
Ahora, en 1945 no hubo Juego d
Ahora fanáticos y peloteros d
Es 1985 inauguraron el Festiva
Porque enfrenta a una selecció
¿Cuántos de ustedes han sido p
Ese jueguito siempre ha result
Hablando de futuro, mis querid
Y para darle un toquecito al p
Les deseo lo mejor de lo mejor
¡Que gane quien juegue mejor,
Un abrazo, queridos muchachos