Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – My admired Dusty: You already know how much I have appreciated and respected you, because without great natural faculties you were a respectable outfielder.
But now you expose yourself to disrespect, because of how horrible you look with that permanent toothpick between your lips and teeth.
You mustn’t put that on display, dear Dusty, it’s rude and in bad taste.
If as an outfielder, the only thing they demanded of you was greater power, in your job as manager you are only accused of being rude because of that toothpick.
Also, it is dangerous. A baseball coach, a Cuban compatriot of mine, named Reynaldo Cordeiro, took to carrying a toothpick, like you. One day, of course, he accidentally swallowed it and had to have an emergency operation to save his life.
You are, in the postseason, with the interesting Astros. Let us see the show without the barbarity of having to put up with it in your mouth.
More for your good behavior than for your skills, you were much loved and respected in your 19 years as a bigleaguer, 1968-1986, with the Braves, Dodgers, Giants and Athletics.
We all knew in baseball that you weren’t going to be in the Hall of Fame, but we loved you anyway. I remember that in your first chance, in 1992, you were eliminated, because you only received 0.9% of the votes.
I want to make you see, friend Dusty, that we love you for who you are as a person, not for what you have been a bigleaguer or manager. Keep that love for you, keep your sincere friendships, abandon the toothpick so you don’t disgust everyone who sees you.
Because if you continue with that horrible nonsense, with the enormous number of closeups that managers take, especially in the postseason, you will be fried.
At 73 years old, one should not commit nonsense like that. What pleasure does that thing of the toothpick playing between your lips and teeth give you?
Eat sunflower seeds, which is less ridiculous and healthier.
Hear me! That’s the word, “ridiculous”, is what you do by showing yourself with that in your mouth. Besides, as I already told you, you expose yourself to the danger of swallowing it. Imagine that in the middle of a World Series game they have to take you out of the dugout on a stretcher, via an ambulance to end up in the operating room.
I don’t even want to imagine it, because I appreciate you so much.
I hope your Astros continue to win to see you triumphant throughout the postseason and without a toothpick between your lips and teeth.
A hug to show that I write everything for your own good… Preston.
Thanks to life that has given me so much, even a reader like you.
ATTENTION.- Read the recent file of “Juan Vené en la Pelota” on the internet, for “sport unites us again”.
Las cartas desde el Más Allá. – De Preston Gómez para Dusty Baker
Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – Mi admirado Dusty: Ya sabes cuánto te he apreciado y respetado, porque sin grandes facultades naturales fuiste un outfielder respetable.
Pero ahora te expones a que te falten el respeto, por lo horrendo que te ves con ese permanente palillo entre labios y dientes.
No debes exhibir eso, querido Dusty, es mala educación y de un pésimo gusto.
Si como outfielder, lo único que te reclamaban era mayor poder, en tu trabajo de mánager solo se te acusa de mal educado por eso del palillo.
Además, es un peligro. Un entrenador de beisbol, compatriota cubano mío, llamado Reynaldo Cordeiro, le dio por llevar un palillo, como tú. Un día, desde luego que accidentalmente, se lo tragó y hubo que operarlo de urgencia para salvarle la vida.
Estás, en la postemporada, con los interesante Astros. Permítenos ver el espectáculo sin la barbaridad de tener que soportarte con eso en la boca.
Más por tu buen comportamiento que por tus habilidades, fuiste muy querido y respetado en tus 19 años de bigleaguer, 1968-1986, con Bravos, Dodgers, Gigantes y Atléticos.
Todos sabíamos en el beisbol que no ibas para el Hall de la fama, pero te queríamos de todas maneras. Recuerdo que en tu primer chance, en 1992, fuiste eliminado, porque solo recibiste el 0.9% de los votos.
Deseo hacerte ver, amigo Dusty, que te queremos por lo que eres como persona, no por lo que has sido de bigleaguer ni de mánager. Mantén ese amor por tí, conserva tus sinceras amistades, abandona el palillo para que no produzcas asco a cuantos te ven.
Porque si sigues con esa horrible tontería, con la cantidad enorme de closeups que les toman a los mánagers, especialmente en postemporada, estarás frito.
A los 73 años no debe uno cometer tonterías como esa. ¿Qué placer te produce eso del palillo jugueteándote entre los labios y los dientes?
Come semillas de girasol, que es menos ridículo y más saludable.
¡Óyeme! Esa es la palabra, “ridículo”, es lo que haces mostrándote con eso en la boca. Aparte, como ya te dije, de que te expones al peligro de tragártelo. Imagínate que en pleno juego de Serie Mundial tengan que sacarte del dugout en camilla, vía ambulancia para terminar en el quirófano.
No quiero ni imaginarlo, porque te aprecio mucho.
Espero que tus Astros sigan ganando para verte triunfal en toda la postemporada y sin palillo entre labios y dientes.
Un abrazo en demostración de que todo lo escribo por tu bien… Prestón.
Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto, incluso un lector como tú.
ATENCIÓN.- Lee el archivo reciente de “Juan Vené en la Pelota” en internet, por “el deporte vuelve a unirnos”.