All posts tagged "Babe Ruth"
/ 3 weeks agoFans Banned For Life – Fanáticos Expulsados De Por Vida
“It’s not how you dance that’s important, but how you enjoy your dance.”… La Pimpi. Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – Question...
/ 4 weeks agoYankees Confirm Baseball Rejection – Yankees Confirman Rechazo del Beisbol
“Hello!… Is Conchita there?”… “No, not with Chita, I’m with Tarzan”… Anonymous. Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – The Yankees’ current number...
/ 4 weeks agoThere Are 18 With 4 HRS In An MLB Game – Son 18 Con 4 HRS En un Juego de MLB
“If you can tell by the suitcase what class the passenger is in, you can tell by the soap what class...
/ 2 months ago$840 Million Versus 714 Home Runs – $840 Millones Frente a 714 Jonrones
Eleven Big Leaguers, Not Including Ohtani, Earn Nearly $2 Billion Coral Gables, Fla. (VIP-WIRE) – Even children in Tanzania know that...
/ 2 months agoBellinger’s Wife Was Stanton’s Girlfriend – Esposa de Bellinger, Fue Novia de Stanton
Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – Question of the Week: Babe Ruth set the first major home run record ever set, 714....
/ 2 months agoLetters from the Beyond: From Walter Johnson to Ichiro Suzuki – Cartas desde el Más Allá: De Walter Johnson para Ichiro Suzuki
Dear friend Ichiro: As you know, I was one of the five elected in the first year of the Hall of...
/ 2 months agoLetters from the Beyond: From Ty Cobb to Juan Soto – Cartas desde el Más Allá: De Ty Cobb para Juan Soto
Dear friend Juan: As I see it, until yesterday Sunday, no one in that world that you call Here, to call...
/ 2 months agoAn Addict of Rule Changes and Crazy – Vicioso de Cambios y Loco de Bola
“Banks lend money to those who have money”… Donald Trump. Coral Gables, Florida (VIP WIRE) – Question of the Week: We...
/ 3 months agoThe World Series So Unpredictable – La Serie Mundial Tan Impredecible
“Don’t try to kiss someone in the dark… It’s much sexier under the nose”… La Pimpi. -o-o-o- Question of the Week:...
/ 4 months agoTeams of the First Major League, in 1871 – Equipos de la Primera Liga Grande, en 1871
“Not respecting parents is a serious sin. And you can see how badly the Dodgers have treated them”… San Francisco de...