All posts tagged "TREVOR BAUER"
/ 6 months agoConcerned About Lack of Uniformity in MLB – Preocupada Por la Falta De Uniformidad en MLB
“Baseball statistics are like the dental floss that beautiful girls wear on the beach… they show a lot, but they hide...
/ 1 year agoDodgers Arm Themselves With the Best of The Best – Dodgers Se Arman, Con Lo Mejor De Lo Mejor
“Laugh!… At the end of the day, life is just a joke”… Charles Chaplin. Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – THE Royals...
/ 2 years agoAnother letter that comes from the Beyond.- FROM DON DRYSDALE TO TREVOR BAUER / Otra carta que llega desde el Más Allá.- DE DON DRYSDALE A TREVOR BAUER
My dear Trevor, I have been meaning to write to you for a few months now. But I always told myself:...
/ 2 years agoAaron Judge returns this weekend – Aaron Judge regresa este fin de semana
“With a dose of humor, he suffers better”… Aquiles Nazoa. -o-o-o- Best Side, New York (VIP-WIRE). Question of the week…: The...
/ 2 years agoThe Voice of the People on the Acuña case – La Voz del Pueblo sobre caso Acuña
Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – Elvis Marín, from Carora, expresses: “Baseball seems like a maximum security prison, with ballplayers as if...
/ 2 years agoCarlos Correa case passes one billion – Pasa de mil millones caso Carlos Correa
“Money is not life, it is just vanity”… Luis Alcaraz. “It is not rich who has a lot of money, but...
/ 2 years agoLetters from the Beyond.- From Chico Carrasquel to Trevor Bauer / Las cartas desde el Más Allá.- De Chico Carrasquel para Trevor Bauer
Dear Trevor, I must congratulate you twice. First for Christmas 2023, then for the forgiveness that just got you out of...
/ 3 years agoThe 30 highest paid players this year 2022 – Los 30 peloteros mejor pagados este año 2022
“The general of China is not the same as the general’s china”… Anonymous.- -O-O- Coral Gables, Fla. (VIP-WIRE) – There are...
/ 3 years agoThe Letters from Beyond – From Sparky Anderson to Dave Roberts / La Carta desde El Más Allá – De Sparky Ánderson para Dave Roberts
Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – My admired Dave…: If your 2022 roster is not the best in the Major Leagues in...
/ 3 years agoThe Dodgers want to get rid of Trevor Bauer – Los Dodgers quieren salir de Trevor Bauer
“I had a girlfriend who was as pretty as she was ugly, as fat as she was skinny, and as ignorant...