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The Letters from the Hereafter – From Coronavirus, Covid-19 To The 3 enemies of the Baseball

If coronavirus allow it, this column will turn 60 in October, serving readers Monday through Sunday.

“Little money is bad … Too much money is worse” … J.V.


Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – Baseball Enemies, Rob Manfred, Tony Clark and televisions …:

I feel sorry for you poor billionaires. How is it possible, if baseball is what has made them manage and receive billions of dollars, they want to end such a beautiful sport, show and business?

My case is different. Of course, I can’t handle money, nor do I need to, my thing is to kill people, especially old people, even when I don’t miss the youngsters that cross my path.

You have not wanted to reach an agreement, while I seemed in agony, losing ground, because each of you, the three parts of the dispute, instead of fighting to save the sport, the spectacle and the business, what you are looking for they are increasingly bulky bank accounts.

Of course, I have no special interest in harming baseball, only that it is part of human life and my mission is death. And with accomplices like you three, I find my work very comfortable.

If the players who would collect $ 30 million and more each for the season have $ 20 million down, what is the drama?

If the equipment owners, who would manage $ 10 billion, are reduced to three or four billion, what is the drama?

If TV networks, which billed $ 5 billion for ads in MLB games, can only charge $ 2 billion, what’s the drama?

Nothing like health, life. But you are mentally obtuse. They ignore the difference between life and death, and the difference between being a billionaire and being poor.


Take care of yourselves, that nobody else is going to take care of you, and stop being so clumsy … You don’t want anything, El Enemigo de Todos, Covid-19.

RETREATS.- The Yankees offered their Yankee Stadium to the Blue Jays, at least to train. Since they cannot go to Toronto due to the Canadian border closure… ** But, hey, New York is the area of ​​the USA most affected by the pandemic. I mean, Covid-19 wherever the Blue Jays go … ** Ah well! here all the facilities in Arizona and Florida are closed due to an abundance of coronaviruses … ** And the final news at the beginning of this new week is the same …: Players, owners and television players do not agree on the number of games of a possible and pandemic season, with empty stages. Everything would be to satisfy the interests of television networks …

ATTENTION.- You can read the file “Juan Vené en la Pelota”, in “sport unites us again”.

Thanks to the life that has given me so much, even a reader like you.


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