At 12 midnight …The Child God will arrive …Scared, rightly … As crazy as the world is
Coral Gables, Florida. (VIP-WIRE) .- A Venezuelan big leaguer, and three from the Hall of Fame, were born on Christmas eve, on December 24. Francis (Pud) Galvin in 1856; Nelson (Nelly) Fox in 1927, Rickie Hénderson, 1958 and Manny Trillo in 1950.
I publish it now, at Christmas, but I think about it and suffer and enjoy it all year, every year.
There should be no sick children …
Let no one go hungry, especially children, Just like nobody should have more than they need …
Verbs that should never have existed …: kill, steal, hate …
It would be better if the moon were always full moon … And if the sun was never erased by clouds …
We would be a better world if all the deaths were painless …
If there was no hate, no resentment and everything was love …
If crying did not exist, if all were laughter …
If we had more time and never rushed …
If the atmosphere were always of production, of partying, of ambitions, of achievements, victories, of glory! … And nobody knew the word failure.
Christmas night is your prize for having behaved all year long.
The Star of Bethlehem was the first GPS.
How good it would be if from January to December every month were Christmas and New Year! … I say, right?
Christmas dinner is, or should be, the most delicious of all dinners of the year.
Even criminals are different on these days of the end of the year. Yes … the bad ones are good and the good ones are better.
Every adult who treats a child badly is Herod.
If you don’t feel the smile of a child, you are not alive.
Santa Claus is married to Merry Christmas ”…
What will Santa Claus laugh so much about?
Did the Child Jesus get pampers? … And if not, how did they do it?
No wonder Jesus, gifted and intelligent, chose Christmas Day to be born.
Being born, happiness, health, misfortune, pain and death reach us all, no matter if you are black, yellow, white, redhead, educated or illiterate.
Nothing more sublime, nothing sweeter, than those Christmas songs composed centuries ago, and which have more and more life every December.
The traditional Spanish carols are sweet poems, the Caribbean people are irreverent and tasty.
Everyone sings at Christmas better than during the rest of the year.
How Christmas will be divine, that millions of people spent 12 months dreaming and wishing it.
When we are born we are all good people … the rest comes later.
Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will ”… And to those of bad will, who are the ones who need it the most, lightning break them?!… I ask, don’t you? ?
Nothing will change with this column, but someone had to say it.
We all know. But we do not attend.
Let’s reconsider, then.
Thanks to the life that has given me so much, even a reader like you.
@ juanvene5
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