All posts tagged "Yogi Berra"
/ 1 day agoVinicio y Galarraga The Power of Colorado – Vinicio y Galarraga El Poder de Colorado
“Baseball is boring, only for people with boring minds”… Red Smith. Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – Today, like every Wednesday, is...
/ 1 month agoYankees Confirm Baseball Rejection – Yankees Confirman Rechazo del Beisbol
“Hello!… Is Conchita there?”… “No, not with Chita, I’m with Tarzan”… Anonymous. Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – The Yankees’ current number...
/ 1 month agoSaturdays Are Days to Smile – Los Sábados Son Días Para Sonreír
Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – Overheard in a restaurant: “Waiter, did the chicken come alone?” “No, sir. I’ll bring it to...
/ 1 month agoSaturday Jokes and Saturday Phrases – Chistes Sabatinos y Frases Sabatinas
“How could it be yes, it could be no, because if it is possible, that will never happen”… Yogi Berra. “I...
/ 1 month agoSince Today Is Saturday, Here’s the Gossip – Como Hoy Es Sábado, He Aquí el Bochinche
A painter came down from heaven to paint your beauty, when he saw how fat you’ve gained, he came back for...
/ 2 months agoMore Jokes and More Quotes – Más Chistes y Más Frases
“The Yankees of my time, sometimes we made bad mistakes”… Yogi Berra. Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – “Tragedy of that man...
/ 3 months agoJokes, the Quotes and A Happy Weekend – Chistes, las Frases y Feliz Fin de Semana
“I don’t trust the bank where I keep my money, because they don’t know how to count… They have eight windows...
/ 5 months agoFestival of Phrases for a Happy Weekend! – Festival de Frases: ¡Feliz Fin de Semana!
Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – “For women it is adultery, for men it is mischief, it is always more frequent if...
/ 6 months ago50 Years of Whitey Ford, Mantle and Bell in the HOF – 50 Años de Whitey Ford, Mantle y Bell en el HOF
Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) – That was the happiest morning in Cooperstown since its founding, which is now 238 years ago....
/ 6 months agoPurely Happy Phrases, Happy Weekend! – Puras Frases Alegres, ¡Feliz Fin de Semana!
“Good coffee should be black as the devil, hot as hell and sweet as love”… Hungarian proverb. Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE)...