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Nestor Cortes on Winning the Prestigious LatinoMVP Award

Nestor Cortes pitching on his first outing of the 2022 season on the day he was informed that he also won the prestigious LatinoMVP award - Image Credit: Bill Menzel/Latino Sports

BRONX, NY– Yesterday, after the results of the votes for the prestigious LatinoMVP votes were tallied and we sent out the press release and began to notify the winning teams and players, I decided to walk to Yankee stadium and inform Nestor Cortes in person that he had won the American League LatinoMVP. Unfortunately, he was the starting pitcher, and I could not speak to him.

The following is the interview I did with him after the game.


LS: A couple of weeks ago we spoke to you during Spring training when we were visiting many of the players who on the ballot of the prestigious list as candidates for the 33rd annual Latino Most Valuable Player award which started 33 years ago when many believed that Ruben Sierra was overlooked for the American League MVP. That created the atmosphere where Latino reporters and supporters believed that we should have an award for Latino players and 33 years later the award has become the most prestigious and oldest awarded to Latino baseball players. Some consider it a Latin Grammy of baseball. We kidded with you and stated that in case you did not win, that you could always say you were a candidate, a nominee (Nestor laughs).

However, this morning (yesterday) the voting was completed, and the results showed you won the American League LatinoMVP for the 2022 season. So now that you know that you won, how do you feel?

Nestor Cortes being interviewed on winning the AL 2022 LatinoMVP award after the game. (Photo credit: Latino Sports)

NC: It feels great. As I said a few weeks back in spring training it’s such a prestigious award for us Latino players and I’m here for it. Like we spoke earlier I was super excited to be nominated and humbled to be nominated. I won it and I am very happy for it.

LS: and what like think about the poetic aspect of this that the results came out this morning and you pitched today?

NC: Yeah, and I had no idea.

LS: We came to give you the news in person early today, but you were the starting pitcher, and we could not speak. Then you also win the game.

NC: I had no idea the votes had come in already. I know you told me that they were going to come in a few weeks. So, it was a surprise when I was told. You know what a crazy day that it was today. Obviously the first outing of this season and won the game and won this award so it’s just a good day all around.

LS: The news is all out there, they announced in on the YES network and heard on Puerto Rico’s WAPA television that were transmitting the Yankee game. So, congratulations on that. We are now talking to the Yankees about giving you the award in September during Hispanic Heritage month.  Hopefully they are willing to do it on that month and in front of your fans giving you that special award. How would you feel about getting the award on your home turf, in front of your fans during Hispanic Heritage month.

NC: Yeah, I’ll be an honor for me obviously Hispanic Heritage Month is a big deal for MLB and for the Latino community. It’s a big deal for me so for me to receive that award in September for Hispanic heritage month would be great. I’m happy and looking forward to receiving that award.

LS: Well again congratulations.

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