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Pete Rose Is Gone, Shame On MLB For The Way They Treated Him

One of the greatest hitters to ever step up to the plate, Pete Rose, passed away at the age of 83 - Image Credit: AP

LOS ANGELES, CA — The passing of one of the greatest baseball players ever, Pete Rose, is a great loss for real baseball fans around the country, but not for Major League Baseball. MLB will forever wear the stain of hypocrisy, excuse me, but “Hypocrisy on Steroids” for what they did to Rose. The gambling crime Rose was convicted of by a vindictive Bart Giamatti, who never liked Rose, and Giamatti’s unforgiving successor Fay Vincent, who completed the coup de grâce of Rose after Giamatti died, has put a dark spot on baseball that MLB will have to live with for a long time.

Yes, Pete bet on baseball, but this was not 1919, and the punishment needed to suit the crime.

His ban for life is over so now what? To put him in the HOF now would be the ultimate disrespectful thing they could do. All those years when MLB looked the other way when guys were hitting 60-75 home runs juiced up on “Kickapoo Joy Juice” because baseball needed to boost, falling attendance around the league, I guess, was okay. Rose chasing Ty Cobb’s record of 4,191 hits and finishing with 4,256 is a feat that will never be broken. He did that on beer and hotdogs like Babe Ruth, who was not on steroids. He never cheated the fans.

Today, Major League Baseball partners with several betting sites and hopes to put a team in Las Vegas soon. WHAT? The utter deception and deceit they push forward on the fans who pour billions of dollars into owners’ pockets is way beyond any crime Rose committed. Was Pete a nice guy to be around in the clubhouse? Who cares? He will always be one of the most exciting winners baseball has ever produced. Not a big brut, Rose identified with the average fan.

MLB and its greedy owners have tried to erase the good memories of “Charlie Hustle” from the people who enjoyed seeing his head-first slides into every base, including first base. He was fun to watch. What’s wrong with having fun?

A 17-time All-Star and MVP, Rose led the league in runs four times, hits seven times, and doubles five times. He played until he was forty-five years old and finished with a lifetime .305 batting average; having led the league in batting three times, he hit over .300 — 15 times! Three World Championships, two Gold Glove awards, and a 1963 Rookie of the Year.

Pete Rose’s career resume doubles several Cooperstown Hall of Famers’ – Image Credit: AP

We are talking about a career that is a first-ballot Hall Of Fame player. Shame on the egos and vindictiveness of the powers that be in a sport that calls itself “America’s National Pastime.”

Congratulations, MLB, you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube on this one.

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  1. Sandy Rivera

    October 1, 2024 at 1:23 pm

    The teenage girl HE had sex with.

    • William Coppola

      October 1, 2024 at 4:15 pm

      Sandy, thank you for your thoughts. A negative opinion of my thoughts is always taken seriously by me. It makes me understand if my message was understood. I agree with your observation about Rose. He was an awful person with an incredible ego. He should have gone to jail for his involvement with that kid. My story, though, was to point out the hypocrisy of MLB. They banned him for life, so when they went into partnership with gambling sites, they could have allowed him to at least ask to be reinstated. His entry into the HOF is another story for another day. Some HOF players have done some bad things in the past. Roberto Alomar, for example. Did he break the rule on gambling? Yes, but his punishment was over the top. Rose is well-represented in the HOF for all he accomplished in baseball, but his moral character to me makes him ineligible for induction. Again, my story was directed to the two-way standard of MLB. I thank you for your comment.

  2. Sandy Rivera

    October 1, 2024 at 1:25 pm

    Teenage he had sex with.

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