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Baseball: What’s The Latest?

While the Pandemic seems to be winding down and the push for mandates loosening up, three other major issues remain in the questionable column. The Ukraine War, the latest world climate report and the Baseball negotiations? Since we are a sports site, let’s stick to the issue of baseball.

Baseball fans who are tired of all the gloom and doom surrounding us for the past year would like to know a bit more about the baseball talks. Baseball has always had a way of temporarily removing us from the stress of daily survival. So many of us want to know, will we, or will we not have a normal Spring Training schedule and opening day of baseball? ⚾️.

The attached article from MLB’s Mark Feinsand will hopefully give you all the details that you have not been getting from the regular news. Read, enjoy and be up to date on the baseball talks.

Baseball Talks

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