All posts tagged "Dave McNally"
/ 3 months agoImpossible to Set a Maximum Salary – Imposible Imponer Un Sueldo Máximo
“The dog is man’s best friend because, instead of moving his tongue, he wags his tail”… La Pimpi. Coral Gables, Florida...
/ 11 months agoOrioles Ready for Fourth World Series Win – Orioles Listos Para 4to Triunfo en Series Mundiales
Sex is part of nature. And I get along wonderfully with nature”…Marylin Monroe. Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) -o-o-o- The Orioles, champions...
/ 2 years agoFlood was a hero, but not the first free agent – Flood fue un héroe, pero no el primer agente libre
“When the problem is to go to the bathroom urgently, green guavas are useless”… Anonymous. -O-O-O- Coral Gables, Florida (VIP-WIRE) –...
/ 3 years agoThe big leaguers go to Japan and Mexico – A Japón y México se van los bigleaguers
“Happiness is making work not seem like work”… Dick Secades.- -o-o-o- Coral Gables, Fla. (VIP WIRE) – The Question of the...
/ 3 years agoMookie Betts, great bowler – Mookie Betts, gran jugador de bowling
“How will the robot umpire inform the batter when he is a strikeout?…I ask, right?!…J.V. -o-o-o- Coral Gables, Fla. (VIP WIRE)...